CHURCH ROBBERS Easy come easy go, easy stay and we all sow. In 1873 tithing was first suggested in USA. It was extremely revealing and it proved that tithing was neither taught nor practised in the United states until the very early year of 1873, when it was first suggested. United state understood the power of tithing at an early stage and that has really paved many ways for them. The word TITHE was first established in Genesis 14:20, where Abram gave tenth of what he had to God. There is power in anything you give to God, he that gives never lack. Tithing is what we believers/Christians need to take cognisance of in our lives. Robbery goes beyond those acts performed in oshodi. To be frank, some believers are robbers. It pains me a lot when I see christians lacking the deep understanding of tithing. Many so called Christians today complain a lot about financial crisis, but a closer look at their lives tells you something is missing which is tithing. Give the little you h...