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I vividly recall the story of a man who became popular for engaging in money rituals just to buy the 80's edition of the Honda Prelude; you wouldn't buy that car for 50,000 Naira today. Vanity!!!

 A guy brutally murdered his brother, just because he wanted to acquire the rave of the moment - Pathfinder Jeep. That same vehicle is now better described as a coffin....Vanity!!!

 I remember as a kid, my whole street gathered at a neighbour's house to watch a "drama" shown on a "Double-Door Black & White Television". Today, there is Plasma Television and its almost found in every student's room....Vanity!!!!

 Some ladies left their true loves because some rich guy persuaded them with a Benz 190, which turned out to be the only car they ever owned till date.They found out too late that true love is invaluable.....Vanity!!!

What about Santana, Mercedes Benz, V Boot, 505 Evolution, Toyota Crown...? All overtaken by latest models of Camry, Honda, Bugatti, Bentley, X6, Acura and Infinity.... Vanity!!!

 A guy declared drinks because he launched the Nokia 3310 Mobile Phone in 2002.Today, that phone would embarrass the owner and is a joke compared to the low cost and everyday phones..... Vanity!!!

What about the MTN SIM Card that many people went extra miles to buy for over 30,000 Naira?Today, you will not buy it anywhere because all networks are begging people to even take it for free...Vanity!!!

People are still making the most horrific sacrifices over VANITY and make enemies over WORTHLESS MATERIAL THINGS!

What can I say??

Look back at that one thing you want to kill or die for today; in your Marriage, Office, Family, Community... and see what becomes of it tomorrow.Just think about it!

 There is absolutely nothing you can't achieve... PLEASE TAKE IT EASY!

All you need is a Little Time , PATIENCE, Absolute Obedience and Trust in God and you would thank God without regrets.

There is actually nothing in this world that is worth going to HELL for. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!


 Please be heaven focus, your eternal place of glory, peace and joy.



By: Adesope Quadri Abiodun


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