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It's not going to be easy when your shadow starts to deceive you. Your shadow is the replicate of who you are. You can command your shadow to be sleeping while you are inside drinking garri.

  In as much as you are still living your shadow keeps following you even the dead has a shadow mark.
I won't take much of your time reading this article but just read with a wide glasses well cleaned with a methylated spirit .

Okay, don't allow anyone deceive you. You are poor and someone is now telling you that you are rich. Waoh! Please keep the hope alive. You might get rich later but at the point you are poor. Keeping hope alive is good but it will be better when you work smart and do the needful to bring what you are hoping for to fulfillment.

  Life is easy to those that think it's easy. It will also be hard to those that think it's hard. When someone start to command your shadow and you the real person gives room for them to control your shadow, you are already a living dead. Your shadow gets to your destination before the real you.

  Life is not going to be sweet, I repeat it's not going to be sweet but if you're  the one controlling your shadow you are on the line of success.

  Success your shadow to the source you've strengthened for and glory await you.

Adedeji Michael shine


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